Job Details

Inquiry for Application Development Services

  • Fixed Price
  • Less than $100 Budget
  • 13 hours left
  • India
  • Start Immediately

I hope this message finds you well.

I am a French university student with some knowledge in coding. Unfortunately, due to being involved in multiple projects simultaneously, I find myself unable to dedicate time to fully code an application. Hence, I am reaching out for your expertise.

I am seeking to develop an application that consolidates various personal projects. This application will include: 

1. A clothing brand section starting with dropshipping.

2. A gallery for my photography, with purchasing options.

3. A digital art gallery featuring my creations, with purchasing options. 

4. A collection of NFTs linked to benefits within the app and related sites, with purchasing options. 

5. An eBook agency with my written works, with purchasing options. 

Given my limited capital, which is modest compared to the rates in France and Europe, I am looking for cost-effective development services abroad.

The design of the app should be modern and minimalistic, with a touch of Italian elegance and luxury. Post-development, I would like to have full control over the app to update sales items regularly.

Could you please provide me with an estimated cost and timeline for such a project? Also, I'm interested in understanding how we can collaborate effectively despite the distance.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to a potential collaboration.

Best regards


  • Apple Xcode


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TimeZone not specified
$0.00 Total Spent
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1 Jobs Posted
0% Hire Rate, 1 Open Job
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0 hours
Member Since
About 10 months ago

Preferred Qualifications

Freelancer Type:
Job Success Score:
90 Above
Fixnhour Hours:
Less than 100
Profile Level:
More than 25

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  • Avg $0.00
  • High $0.00
  • Low $0.00

Amrita Bala

Web and app developer More..

  • 0
  • Rank: 0
  • $0.00 Earning
  • 0 Jobs
  • Submitted: 01 Dec, 2023
  • 07:26 PM


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